Weekly Comic Review for 2/15/12
Working 3rd shift makes things seem odd. To me, this seems like the first post of the day but to everyone else, it’s the second. Not much to post about this week so I’ll get it out of the way.
Green Lantern Corps #6 – Guy and his army of Green Lanterns show up to save John Stewart and the other captured Green Lanterns but there’s only one other left when they get there. The guns work better than their rings did but it ends up that dropping a couple Yellow Lanterns is what wins. Somehow, this turns them all into cowards and the battle is over. What a major letdown.
Legion of Super-Heroes #6 – As usual, the story is split between a lot of different Legionnaires. The primary story involved Dragonwing hunting down her sister though. Little was really built up about the new characters in Adventure Comics so I guess they have a lot to try to build up now. It would be nicer if they could concentrate on a single story over an issue though.
Nightwing #6 – Saiko and Raya plan an anniversary performance for the deaths of Dick’s parents which is being used to try to take him down. Saiko finally reveals who he is to Nightwing just before blowing up the big top. There is some interesting character work going on here.
No sense in doing a top 3 when there’s only three books to pick from. I’d say the top choice of the week would be Nightwing though. Hopefully this week will bring more to read.