DC’s Fresh Start and New Horizons
At the end of Dark Nights: Death Metal, DC sold us a future made up of more than just the New 52 and Rebirth that we’ve been reading for the past 10 years. We’ve got that and everything...
At the end of Dark Nights: Death Metal, DC sold us a future made up of more than just the New 52 and Rebirth that we’ve been reading for the past 10 years. We’ve got that and everything...
Dark Nights: Death Metal set up a lot of stuff to come for DC. Before we could get into that though, DC decided to jump into varying amounts of time into the future of a lot of DC’s...
There was a little more to read this weekend. All-New X-Men #15 – This issue plays a little closer to home. Most of it takes place right in the mansion or in the city nearby. No super-villains. It’s...
* * * SPOILERS * * * I wasn’t quite sure what to make of this movie. Super-hero movies lately have been about 50/50. The look of the CGI outfit in the pictures was questionable. And while I...
In brightest day… I was still ready to fall asleep today. So, sadly, I didn’t join my friends tonight to go see Green Lantern tonight. I plan to go see it over the next couple days though. Maybe...