Category: Comic Books


Bi the Way, Robin Came Out

It’s been all over the news so no spoiler banner this time around. Robin is bisexual (or at least questioning) and it’s DC canon as of Batman: Urban Legends #6. The tile is an anthology of stories around...


DC and Marvel Take Pride in the Gay Community

While COVID-19 may put a kibosh on a lot of Pride events everywhere again this year, we can still look to DC and Marvel to help celebrate Pride. This June, both companies will be publishing anthologies based around...


DC’s Fresh Start and New Horizons

At the end of Dark Nights: Death Metal, DC sold us a future made up of more than just the New 52 and Rebirth that we’ve been reading for the past 10 years. We’ve got that and everything...


The State of DC’s Future

Dark Nights: Death Metal set up a lot of stuff to come for DC. Before we could get into that though, DC decided to jump into varying amounts of time into the future of a lot of DC’s...


Will Dark Nights lead into Better Days?

First, we had Barry Allen reboot the universe with Flashpoint. Then we had Rebirth bring back Wally West along with news that the reboot wasn’t Barry’s fault and hint that it was Doctor Manhattan. We eventually moved on...


Weekly Comic Review 1/6/16

The first week of books for the new year. This may actually be one of my last real posta for a while. I’ll see. Obviously I haven’t had a lot of time to keep this up and I’m...


Weekly Comic Review for 12/30/15

And I’m finally caught up on the comic reviews. Flash #47 – All the pieces come together in this issue. And when I say pieces, I mean it. The book is split up in almost alternating panels of...


Weekly Comic Review for 12/23/15

I’ve got a light week this time after what was in the last post. Extraordinary X-Men #4 – First thing we start off with this issue is catching up with Colossus, Magik, Nightcrawler, and Mister Sinister. It turns...


Weekly Comic Review for 12/16/15

OK. I’ve been trying to get a week caught up ever day or two around the holidays. Let’s see if I can get stuff even more caught up today. All-New X-Men #2 – We started with Scott vs....


Weekly Comic Review for 12/9/15

Black Knight #2 – It seems we’ve already jumped into battle since last issue. We then find out that he was working with the Avengers months ago and the ebon blade was getting more powerful. Then, during battle...