Category: Life


I’ll Be Returning Soon

This has been an unexpected break while I figured some stuff out. Let’s just say that I want everyone to take care of both their physical and mental health. Both are important and I’ve been dealing with issues...


I’ll Be Back Soon

Hello. I hope everything has been good with everyone. I know I’ve been away for a bit but I will be back soon. I’ve recently rebuilt my computer and have it up and running now. I’m about to...


I’ll Be Back Soon

Hello. I apologize for the lack of articles as of late. A trip back home followed by some personal issues has kept me from updating here for a while. Once things get better, I will be back with...


Life Gets in the Way

Hi, everyone. No, I haven’t disappeared. Some personal stuff sorta blew up on me and things have gotten really complicated. I had a couple things I had planned to post this past week (and hopefully still will), but...

Happy New Year! 0

Happy New Year!

Here’s hoping everyone out there has a happy and safe New Year. Hopefully this new year will bring a lot more posting from me. I’ve been trying to work through my backlog of comics. My goal is to...

Hitting a Snag 0

Hitting a Snag

Hey, all. I’ll be back as soon as I can. I’ve been busy with a lot of stuff including trying to find a new place to move to since I have to leave my apartment in a month....

Will be posting soon 0

Will be posting soon

I haven’t forgotten things here. I’ve been busy with life stuff (including a return to the gym to try to get my health in better shape on top of everything else) but will be back soon. I have...

More Internet Issues 0

More Internet Issues

My internet (and TV too this time) was down again but they just got it back up and running. I’ll try to get my comic review post up later today. Sorry for the delay. My internet provider is...

It’s the Monster Mash 0

It’s the Monster Mash

It’s just about Halloween. As if the rows and rows of bite-sized candies and many varied costumes weren’t enough of a clue, one other season set of items has popped up. That’s General Mills’ monster cereals. This year...

Magnetic Personality 0

Magnetic Personality

Forget those poetic magnets with words that cover an entire refrigerator. Not that they aren’t fun, but I’ve found something better. This afternoon, I was visiting a friend’s gift shop and I ran across something full of geeky...